A collection of insights, news and resources
Welcome Spring and Gardening Weather!
Looking after a garden can be quite rewarding. Veggies, fruit, flowers; all tangible flora growing before your eyes because of your hard work. What is less obvious but still equally rewarding, are the physical benefits of spending time working in the garden. It is an...
Joint Pain and Osteoarthritis
With Melbourne well and truly in the grips of winter, we often notice at this time of year that a lot of our patients with joint conditions such as Osteoarthritis (OA) tend to become more achy and require a little bit more TLC. Whilst research on why this occurs is...
Move Better with Osteopathy!
This week is International Osteopathic Healthcare Week 2021. The theme this year is 'Move Better with Osteopathy'. One of the central themes of Osteopathy is how each part of our musculoskeletal system works with and influences every other region. So not only do we...
Sleep health
Do you sometimes wake up feeling like you’ve slept like this?! On top of musculoskeletal aches and pains, a poor nights sleep can have a greater impact on day to day function such as mental health and well being. Some tips to help you get a good nights sleep include:...
Back to school – Backpack ergonomics!
It’s that time of year when the kids have returned to school and a very common question we get asked is about their back packs. Most schools have their own branded back packs and I know sending my preppie off too school it almost looked bigger than him! But there are...
R U OK? Day is Thursday 10 September 2020. It’s our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” if someone in your world is struggling with life’s ups and downs. The message for R U OK?Day 2020 is 'THERE'S MORE TO...
Could my neck be causing my headaches?
By Dr Kate Murphy At Bayside Osteopathic Clinic we see many patients with headaches. One of the most common causes of headache is dysfunction of the neck also known as a cervicogenic headache. Whilst still very painful these headaches can be simpler to treat and...
The TMJ: Symptoms, causes and treatment
By Dr Kate Murphy The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint between your skull (temporal bone) and jaw (mandible). Like all joints in the body, it has a certain “normal” range of movement which can become reduced or stiffened resulting in pain and dysfunction....
COVID-19 Safety measures
We are taking you and our team's health seriously Along with many Australians, we are monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak situation closely and following the advice from Government. We are listening carefully to the questions and concerns we receive from...
Providing an integrated solution of hands-on treatemtn and exercise rehabilitation for every body.
Phone 59 77 04 66 | Fax 59 75 6752
938 Nepean Hwy, Mornington, VIC 3931
BUSINESS HOURS | Monday 8am-6:30pm | Tuesday 9am-7pm | Wednesday 9am-8pm | Thursday 9am-6pm | Friday 8am-6.30pm