Phone 59 77 04 66 | FAX 59 75 6752.  938 Nepean Hwy, Mornington
M 8am-6:30pm | T 9am-7pm | W 9am-8pm | T 9am-6pm | F 8am-6.30pm

Phone 59 77 04 66 | FAX 59 75 6752.  938 Nepean Hwy, Mornington
M 8am-6:30pm | T 9am-7pm | W 9am-8pm | T 9am-6pm | F 8am-6.30pm


A collection of insights, news and resources

Exercising for a healthier mind

Exercising for a healthier mind

One of the most prevalent problems in modern society is poor mental health. While it seems like more people are talking about the issue more than ever, there is still a great deal of stigma surrounding mental illnesses. This often results in people not seeking help,...

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Getting to the “Core” of the problem

Getting to the “Core” of the problem

Low Back Pain – getting to the “Core “of the problem by Dr Brian Nicholls Over the years, there have been many “magic bullet” interventions touted as being the way to solve the epidemic of lower back pain, and it’s nearly 20 years since the introduction of one of the...

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Osteopathy and Period Pain

By Tahnee Cunningham Period pain can be a sensitive subject and is not often discussed publicly. Yet it is common and has several social implications. A study in Canberra in 2006 involving approximately 1000 girls age 16-18 years found that 21% of girls questioned had...

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What exercise is right for me?

by Dr Brian Nicholls We live in an age of information overload. It was estimated a while ago that one copy of a typical weekend newspaper like the Saturday Age contains as much information as the average 17th century person absorbed in one lifetime. Information...

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Providing an integrated solution of hands-on treatemtn and exercise rehabilitation for every body. 

Phone 59 77 04 66 | Fax 59 75 6752

938 Nepean Hwy, Mornington, VIC 3931

BUSINESS HOURS | Monday 8am-6:30pm |  Tuesday 9am-7pm | Wednesday 9am-8pm | Thursday 9am-6pm | Friday 8am-6.30pm