Phone 59 77 04 66 | FAX 59 75 6752.  938 Nepean Hwy, Mornington
M 8am-6:30pm | T 9am-7pm | W 9am-8pm | T 9am-6pm | F 8am-6.30pm

Phone 59 77 04 66 | FAX 59 75 6752.  938 Nepean Hwy, Mornington
M 8am-6:30pm | T 9am-7pm | W 9am-8pm | T 9am-6pm | F 8am-6.30pm

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a term to describe impingement of the median nerve within a specific region of your wrist, the carpal tunnel. You may feel numbness, burning, pins and needles, pain and weakness in the hand, more specifically the thumb and 2 1/2 fingers adjoining.

Although it’s often caused by overuse of the wrist and associated muscles, there are many more possible causes. These include:
– Diabetes
– Thyroid Dysfunction
– Fluid Retention (pregnancy, menopause)
– Autoimmune Disorders
– Arthritis
– Direct Trauma

As well as there being several different causes of carpal tunnel syndrome, the median nerve can get compressed at multiple sites along its pathway from the neck to the hand. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis is crucial to recovery as treatment will depend on the cause and location of nerve impingement.

How can we help? Most importantly, we will perform a thorough examination of the neck and upper limb to help determine where the nerve is being impinged and why. Osteopathic management can include:
– Release techniques to the muscles of the wrist and elbow with various massage techniques or dry needling
– Gentle joint stretching and mobilisation to the wrist and hand
– Determine any other contributing factors in your upper limb and shoulder and treat accordingly
– Guide you through exercise, ergonomics, bracing/taping and other self-management options
– Refer on if needed